I tried linear regression & gradient descent in PyTorch. (https://www.analyticsvidhya.com/blog/2021/08/linear-regression-and-gradient-descent-in-pytorch/)
I've imported Ipex with the following command:
import intel_pytorch_extension as ipex
How can I convert the model to ipex? And how can I check that the performance has improved? Any help here?
After importing IPEX, use the below command while defining a model:
def model(X, IPEX=True):
return X @ w.t() + b
We have verified the code from the link you shared. You could replace model(X)
with model(X, IPEX=True)
Performance with IPEX has improved drastically. Without IPEX, we could see some difference between Actual Target values & Model Predictions. Where as, with IPEX values has no difference.