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VBA submit MS Form: input value has been filled but not successfully submited

I am using VBA in excel to submit a MS form. It could fill the values to text inputs but after submit, this question is still blank. Any thoughts?

Dim emailDomain As Variant
Dim URL As String        
        Set IE = GetObject("new:{D5E8041D-920F-45e9-B8FB-B1DEB82C6E5E}")
        IE.Visible = True
        URL = ""
        IE.navigate (URL)

        While IE.Busy
        IE.document.getElementsByClassName("office-form-question-textbox office-form-textfield-input form-control office-form-theme-focus-border border-no-radius")(0).Value = "currentUserEmailAddress"

        delay 5
        Set IE = Nothing

End Sub

Before submit, the value has been filled correctly

enter image description here


  • I met this kind of issue before. You can also refer to this thread.

    The root cause of the issue is .Value can't set the value effectively. In this situation, you can simulate user input using SendKeys to set value to the input box.

    Sample code:

    IE.document.getElementsByClassName("office-form-question-textbox office-form-textfield-input form-control office-form-theme-focus-border border-no-radius")(0).Focus
    SendKeys ("currentUserEmailAddress")