I am trying to connect and sync a local addressbook from my UWP app.
//Create or Find Contact List
ContactList contactList;
var contactLists = await store.FindContactListsAsync();
if (0 == contactLists.Count) { contactList = await store.CreateContactListAsync("Practice Visuals"); }
else { contactList = contactLists.Where(x => x.DisplayName == "Practice Visuals").FirstOrDefault(); }
foreach (var p in Reporting.Patients.Take(10))
Contact contact = null; try { contact = await contactList.GetContactAsync(p.PatNum); } catch { }
if (contact is null) //Contact not found hence create new contact
contact = new Contact()
Id = p.PatNum.ToString(),
RemoteId = p.PatNum.ToString(),
FirstName = p.FName,
LastName = p.LName,
MiddleName = p.MiddleI,
Nickname = p.Preferred,
contact.Emails.Add(new ContactEmail() { Address = p.Email, Kind = ContactEmailKind.Other });
contact.Phones.Add(new ContactPhone() { Kind = ContactPhoneKind.Mobile, Number = p.WirelessPhone });
contact.Phones.Add(new ContactPhone() { Kind = ContactPhoneKind.Home, Number = p.HmPhone });
contact.Phones.Add(new ContactPhone() { Kind = ContactPhoneKind.Work, Number = p.WkPhone });
//contact.Addresses.Add(new ContactAddress() { StreetAddress = p.Address + Environment.NewLine + p.Address2, Locality = p.City, Region = p.State, PostalCode = p.Zip });
//contact.ImportantDates.Add(new ContactDate() { Kind = ContactDateKind.Birthday, Day = (uint)((DateTime)p.Birthdate).Day, Month = (uint)((DateTime)p.Birthdate).Month, Year = ((DateTime)p.Birthdate).Year });
//contact.ImportantDates.Add(new ContactDate() { Kind = ContactDateKind.Anniversary, Day = (uint)((DateTime)p.DateFirstVisit).Day, Month = (uint)((DateTime)p.DateFirstVisit).Month, Year = ((DateTime)p.DateFirstVisit).Year });
//contact.Fields.Add(new ContactField("Clinic", new Converters.DataTypeValueConverter().Convert(p.ClinicNum, parameter: "ClinicNum"), ContactFieldType.Custom, ContactFieldCategory.None));
//contact.Fields.Add(new ContactField("Status", new Converters.DataTypeValueConverter().Convert(p.PatStatus, parameter: "PatStatus"), ContactFieldType.Custom, ContactFieldCategory.None));
//contact.Fields.Add(new ContactField("Gender", new Converters.DataTypeValueConverter().Convert(p.Gender, parameter: "Gender"), ContactFieldType.Custom, ContactFieldCategory.None));
await contactList.SaveContactAsync(contact);
else //Contact Found - check to see if update necessary
ContactsList.ItemsSource = await store.FindContactsAsync();
I have disabled (//) some lines to rule them out as being the issue but the problem still persists.
How do I fix this issue?
I tried your code to go through the process. I found there is a little mistake that causes this behavior. Please do not define the ContactList.Id Property when you are creating a new ContactList Object.
After removing that, the code will work correctly. Like the following:
Contact contact = new Contact();
contact.FirstName = "Jane";
contact.LastName = "ContactPanelSample";
contact.RemoteId = "3334";
//contact.Id = "123";
contact.Emails.Add(new ContactEmail { Address = "janedoe@example.com" });
contact.Phones.Add(new ContactPhone { Number = "4255550123" });
contact.SourceDisplayPicture = RandomAccessStreamReference.CreateFromUri(new Uri("https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/uwp/contacts-and-calendar/images/shoulder-tap-static-payload.png"));
await contactList.SaveContactAsync(contact);
Besides, there is an official sample that shows how to use these APIs-ContactPanel. You could check that sample as well.