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Vite - How do I use a wildcard in Rollupjs build.rollupOptions.external?

I'm using Vite to build a library and I get the following error when building the library:

Rollup failed to resolve import "node:path"

By adding the failed import to the Rollup options I'm able to fix the error but the build continues to complain for each node:* import. In the end I've had to add each one individually to the build.rollupOptions.external:

build: {
  rollupOptions: {
    external: [            

While this solves the issue it is time consuming to list each node import individually. Is there instead a way to use some sort of wildcard syntax to automatically resolve all node imports?

build: {
  rollupOptions: {
    external: [             
      'node:*' // i.e. this syntax does not work, is there something similar that would work?


  • build.rollupOptions.external also accepts regular expressions. The following RegExp matches any string that starts with node::


    So configure external as follows:

    // vite.config.js
    import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
    export default defineConfig({
      build: {
        rollupOptions: {
          external: [