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createQueryBuilder with getOne doesn't return @JoinColumns inside table Typeorm

I have a project written by nestjs and typeorm. In my project I have tables chat and user so I want to get ManyToOne relationships. Here is the chat table

export class Chat extends BaseEntity {
id: number;

@ManyToOne(() => User, (user) => user.chatsCreater, { nullable: false })
@JoinColumn({ name: 'creatorId' })
creator: User;

@ManyToOne(() => User, (user) => user.chatsCompanion, { nullable: false })
@JoinColumn({ name: 'companionId' })
companion: User;

and chunk from user table

@OneToMany(() => Chat, (chat) => chat.creator)
chatsCreater: Chat[];

@OneToMany(() => Chat, (chat) => chat.companion)
chatsCompanion: Chat[];

When I query data from chat I expect to get the hole table {id, companionId, creatorI} not only value of Here is my query

.where('chat.creatorId = :creatorId AND chat.companionId = :companionId', { creatorId, companionId })

and the result {id: 1} So what I want is to get values of companionId and creatorId too when I query from chat. If I change getOne() to getRaw() I get the desired output. But in case of more complex queries (with multiple joins) it becomes a mess with getRaw so is there a way to get all columns using getOne ?


  • I was able to do it by using leftJoinAndSelect

      .leftJoinAndSelect('chat.creator', 'creator')
      .leftJoinAndSelect('chat.companion', 'companion')
      .where('chat.creatorId = :creatorId AND chat.companionId = :companionId', { creatorId, companionId })

    In case if hole table is not needed it's also possible to use leftJoin without select and later add to query addSelect(['',''])