Im getting my documents based on a list of ids.
db.collection("fruits").where(db.FieldPath.documentId(), "in", fruitIds).get()
How should I write my security rules to allow the above call and to deny the below call
It's not possible exactly as you require. What you can do is set your rules like this:
match /fruits/{id} {
allow get: true;
allow list: false;
This allows clients to get a document if they know the ID, but make it impossible to query documents in bulk.
You will have to then code your client app request each document individually with a DocumentReference get()
(instead of a Query with a where clause). The performance hit for this is negligible (no, there is not any noticeable performance gain for using an "in" query the way that you show here - and you are limited to 10 documents per batch anyway).