I know how to trim all strings in an array (thanks to this article!) through the map()
let a = [' a ', ' b ', ' c '];
let b = a.map(element => {
return element.trim();
console.log(b); // ['a', 'b', 'c']
But I was wondering how can I trim an array of arrays?
For example let x = [[" a ", " b "], [" c ", " d "]]
Thank you!
P.S: I'm currently learning Javascript.
You can map over the nested arrays as well.
let data = [[" a ", " b "], [" c ", " d "]]
const result = data.map((d) => d.map((y) => y.trim()));
If you want to flatten out the result, you could use flatMap()
let data = [[" a ", " b "], [" c ", " d "]]
const result = data.flatMap((d) => d.map((y) => y.trim()));