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Creating comments and adding it into a comment box

Absolute beginner programmer here. I'm trying to create a comments box where whatever you type in the comments, will be stored in another div. I got some of it to work, it was able to append however, it disappears straight after. I want it to store the comments in the #comment-box div and when you enter another comment it stores it underneath. Here is my code so far

<div class="container">
    <h2>Leave us a comment</h2>
       <textarea id="" placeholder="Add Your Comment" value=" "></textarea>
       <div class="btn">
           <input id="submit" type="submit" value="Comment">
           <button id="clear">  
<div class="comments">
    <div id="comment-box" value="submit">

and my JS is

const field = document.querySelector('textarea');
const backUp = field.getAttribute('placeholder')
const btn = document.querySelector('.btn');
const clear = document.getElementById('clear')
const submit = document.querySelector('#submit')
// const comments = document.querySelector('#comment-box')
const comments = document.getElementById('comment-box')

field.onfocus = function(){
    this.setAttribute('placeholder','') = '#333' = 'block'
} // when clicking on this, placeholder changes into ' '.

field.onblur = function(){
} //click away, placeholder returns

clear.onclick = function(){ = 'none';
    field.value = ' '

submit.onclick = function(){ = 'none';
    const content = document.createTextNode(field.value)

Where am I going wrong guys? Any feedback would be appreciated. Thank You


    • you can use an array to store comments, and a function that generate html list of comments based on the array
    • on submit and clear you should use event.preventDefault(); to prevent the form from submitting to another page
    • on submit and clear you can manipulate the array and call the html generation function to recreate the commets-box content.

    const field = document.querySelector('textarea');
    const backUp = field.getAttribute('placeholder')
    const btn = document.querySelector('.btn');
    const clear = document.getElementById('clear')
    const submit = document.querySelector('#submit')
    // const comments = document.querySelector('#comment-box')
    const comments = document.getElementById('comment-box');
    // array to store the comments
    const comments_arr = [];
    // to generate html list based on comments array
    const display_comments = () => {
      let list = '<ul>';
       comments_arr.forEach(comment => {
        list += `<li>${comment}</li>`;
      list += '</ul>';
      comments.innerHTML = list;
    clear.onclick = function(event){
      // reset the array  
       comments_arr.length = 0;
      // re-genrate the comment html list
    submit.onclick = function(event){
        const content = field.value;
        if(content.length > 0){ // if there is content
          // add the comment to the array
          // re-genrate the comment html list
          // reset the textArea content 
          field.value = '';
    <div class="container">
        <h2>Leave us a comment</h2>
           <textarea id="" placeholder="Add Your Comment" value=" "></textarea>
           <div class="btn">
               <input id="submit" type="submit" value="Comment">
               <button id="clear">  
    <div class="comments">
        <div id="comment-box">