I'm trying to compare and highlight all the rows that have the same value (Column G) after each other.
My current formula is =$G2=$G3
for the conditional formatting, see green color.
This is my result:
My issue:
I would like to offset the highlight result, so that always the "second result" is marked. So if G4=G5, then I want G5 to be highlighted. Now I only get G4 is marked.
Is it possible to offset the result by one row or some other suggestion?
I've tried to use =IF($G2=$G3;OFFSET(G2;1;0))
I also used a dummy column (Column I) to offset the result and base the conditional formatting upon, but would be neat to have it in the formula.
| Index | Account | Date | TransType | SymbolName | Qty | Price | Fee | |
| 119 | Portfolio A | 2015-03-30 | DIV | AA | 66 | 0,05 | 0,99 | FALSE |
| 120 | Portfolio A | 2015-04-28 | DIV | BAC | 42 | 0,23 | 2,898 | FALSE |
| 121 | Portfolio A | 2015-05-15 | Buy | MSFT | 42 | 16,58 | 12,95 | TRUE |
| 123 | Portfolio B | 2015-05-15 | Buy | MSFT | 42 | 16,58 | 12,95 | FALSE |
| 122 | Portfolio B | 2015-05-15 | Deposit | * Cash | 1 | 732 | | FALSE |
| 131 | Portfolio A | 2015-08-03 | DIV | APPL | 42 | 0,18 | 2,26 | TRUE |
| 132 | Portfolio B | 2015-08-03 | DIV | APPL | 42 | 0,18 | 2,26 | FALSE |
Well, you may try in this was as shown in the image below,
• Select the whole range, i.e from A2:H8
as shown in the above post
• From Home Tab
--> Click Conditional Formatting
Under Styles Group
• Click New
• New Formatting Rule
Dialog Box Opens,
• Select the Rule --> Use A Formula To Determine Which Cells To Format
• Place the below formula, in the edit rule description
• Click Format
--> Choose preferred Font
or Fill
Color From Font
or Fill Tab
• Press OK
--> OK