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@Afterreturning advice from Spring AOP doesn't work when I bind returning result to it

Here's advice

        pointcut = "execution(public java.util.List<> me.mikholskiy.daos.CustomerDao.getAll())",
        returning = "resultList")
public void adviceBeforeGetAllCustomersFromDatabase(JoinPoint joinPoint,
                                                    List<Customer> resultList) {
    // ... 

So when I use this advice annotation without returning parameter, it works as expected. But when I want to bind returning result to this advice nothing happens. It doesn't even executed.

Here's target method for this advice:

public List<Customer> getAll() {
    return sessionFactory.getCurrentSession()
        .createQuery("from Customer", Customer.class)

I use this dependencies



  • Unable to match type List<Customer> because returning clause also restricts matching to only those method executions that return a value of the specified type (Object or it’s subtypes in this case, which will match any return value).

    So, in your code, instead of:

    public void adviceBeforeGetAllCustomersFromDatabase(
        JoinPoint joinPoint, List<Customer> resultList) {

    Try with:

    public void adviceBeforeGetAllCustomersFromDatabase(
        JoinPoint joinPoint, Object resultList) {