Consider the following type definition of a sized list:
Inductive listn: nat -> Type -> Type :=
| nil: forall {A: Set}, listn 0 A
| cons: forall {n: nat} {A: Set}, A -> listn n A -> listn (S n) A.
This is essentially the Vect
type in Idris.
I am trying to define the init
function for listn
, which removes the last element.
My attempted implementation was virtually identical to the definition of init
in Idris. Here it is in Idris:
init : Vect (S len) elem -> Vect len elem
init (x::[]) = []
init (x::y::ys) = x :: init (y::ys)
Transcribed into Coq:
Fixpoint init {n: nat} {A: Set} (l: listn (S n) A): listn n A :=
match l with
| cons x nil => nil
| cons x (cons y ys) => cons x (init (cons y ys))
…but this fails with:
The term "nil" has type "listn 0 ?A"
while it is expected to have type "listn ?n ?S@{a0:=S}"
(cannot unify "?n" and "0").
I take it that Coq isn't able to see that the case necessarily implies that n
is zero. This is a problem I keep running into – Coq isn't able to see the relationship between n
and the list itself.
Hence my questions:
be implemented in Coq?By itself, Coq is not very good for writing this kind of code, but you can use the Equations plugin to make it simpler. Nevertheless, let us see how we can do it without external dependencies:
Require Import Coq.Vectors.Vector.
(* Vector.t is equivalent to your listn type *)
Arguments nil {A}.
Arguments cons {A} _ {n}.
Fixpoint init {n: nat} {A: Set} (xs: Vector.t A (S n)): Vector.t A n :=
match xs in Vector.t _ m return Vector.t A (pred m) with
| nil => nil
| cons x xs =>
match xs in Vector.t _ m return Vector.t A m -> Vector.t A m with
| nil => fun _ => nil
| cons _ _ => fun xs => cons x (init xs)
end xs
This definition differs from yours in a few ways. First, we need to annotate the return type of match
to explain how it depends on the length of the vector. The in Vector.t _ m
part says that the return type is generic on the length of the vector -- we cannot assume that the length is of the form S n
Second, we have to enumerate all cases of the data type: match
is always exhaustive in Coq, even if some of the branches are unreachable due to typing information. Thus, I've included a case for nil
in the first match.
Third, Coq cannot recognize that init (cons y ys)
is a valid recursive call. We fix this by giving cons y ys
a name, xs
, before destructing it, and using init xs
instead. There is a subtlelty, however. In cons x xs
, the type of xs
is Vector.t A m
for some m
, which may or may not be a successor, so we cannot call init
directly. Instead, we first destruct xs
, and perform the recursive call only on the cons
branch. But because match
is generic on its length argument, Coq does not see a connection between the length of xs
inside and outside of match
. The solution is to perform what Adam Chlipala calls the convoy pattern: we make match return a function rather than a plain vector, and pass xs
as an argument outside of the match. This way, the connection between the two lengths is not lost.
I don't know much about Idris, but my guess is that its type-checking algorithm is more complicated than Coq's, which is why it can tell that the analogous definition is valid. Coq's rules are quite simple (and limited), to be honest.