I am trying to set up some test cases with Selenium in Javascript for a simple login page test. I am at the point where I am trying to set up proper error catching by rejecting within a Promise. Here is my Promise code:
//Test Case 1: Valid Email / Valid Password
async function tc1() {
//Create promise to handle execution of async test case
let promise = new Promise(async function (resolve, reject) {
//Create the webdriver (Chrome) and open an instance of the test page
const driver = createDriver();
//Enter valid email / valid password
await validEmail(driver, reject);
await validPassword(driver);
//Click login button
await clickLoginButton(driver);
//Test for a successful login
await testSuccessfulLogin(driver, resolve, reject);
//Exit the driver instance.
await driver.quit();
//Trigger the callback functions
.then(value => console.log(value),
value => console.log(value))
.catch(value => console.log(value))
.finally(() => tc2());
Within my validEmail function, I am trying to reject if an error occurs. Here is my code for that function:
//Find and enter valid email on login page
async function validEmail(driver, reject) {
//Click email input box.
let emailBox = await driver.wait(until.elementLocated(By.xpath("//*[@id='email']/iput")), 5000);
await emailBox.click();
//Input email.
} catch(error) {
My understanding of this error, is that it occurs when you do not provide a catch on the promise to handle a rejected case.
My testSuccessfulLogin function uses resolve and the promise runs through .then properly, so I am unsure why I am getting an unhandled rejection error when I use reject in the same way.
below code should be moved outside the async function
//Trigger the callback functions
.then(value => console.log(value),
value => console.log(value))
.catch(value => console.log(value))
.finally(() => tc2());