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How do I print nextflow script parameters in arparse style?

I would like to print the parameters of my nextflow script as a help menu (e.g., nextflow run --help), similar to the way arparse does it in python (i.e., script --help).

I have trawled the web and help docs and have found how to print a custom menu using the command inside the script, but this only shows the custom log stdout when actually running the script.

My workaround is to grep the script as follows: grep -E '^params.+ +\=' This provides me with something similar to:

params.publishdir        = '$TMPDIR'
params.min.              = 3

It would be great if nextflow run --help gave me a similar output (even better if '$TMPDIR' was expanded), but --help is basically feeding the run; and nextflow run -h gives me the top level program help, neither of which, ahem, help. Is there a nextflow builtin to solve this?


  • There's no builtin for this, but if your params are only simple values something like the following might suffice:

    params.publish_dir = System.getenv('TMPDIR') ?: './results'
    params.publish_mode = 'copy'
    workflow {
        // your awesome workflow here
    def check_params() {
        if( params.remove('help') ) {
            params.each{ k, v -> println "params.${k.padRight(25)} = ${v}" }
            exit 0
        // additional validation here
    $ nextflow run --help
    N E X T F L O W  ~  version 21.04.3
    Launching `` [gigantic_plateau] - revision: c61c697636
    params.publish_dir               = /tmp
    params.publish_mode              = copy

    Note that publishing results to a temporary directory usually doesn't make much sense.