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How delete all files in a directory but specific file names listed in a text file

I have a folder named Demos1 with files inside that all have a .replay extension.

I have a batch script in parent folder of Demos1 as well as a file that has the names of the files i ONLY want to keep in a text file named namediff.txt.

I wants to recursiveley scan each file name in namediff.txt against the files found inside of the directory and if the file names (one per line) in namediff.txt does not match a file found in the directory, delete that file in Demos1 and leave only the file names that did match in the txt file.

This is what I have so far.

PUSHD "%~dp0Demos1"


FOR /F "TOKENS=*" %%A IN ('DIR /B "*.replay"') DO (
    FOR /F "TOKENS=*" %%G IN ('%%~nxA') DO (
        IF NOT "%%~nxA"=="%%~nxG" ECHO DEL "%%~nxG"


  •  FOR /F "TOKENS=*" %%A IN ('DIR /B /a-d "*.replay" ^|findstr /x /i /v /g:namediff.txt') DO echo del "%%A"

    Should do that. Findstr finds lines that /x exactly match /i case-insensitive /g:filecontainingstringstomatch and /v produces non-matches to the list of files generated by the dir.

    The ^ is required to escape the pipe, which tells cmd that the pipe is part of the command to be executed, not the for.

    The /a-d excludes directory-names matching - just a belt-and-braces approach.

    The del is simply echoed for testing purposes. Remove the echo keyword when verified to delete the files.