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ILogger.LogLevel is not enabled in C# unit tests

I have an extension method for Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger which checks if the given log level is enabled or not. And then proceeds with the actual logging. When I try to unit test this method, I see that logger.IsEnabled(logLevel) always returns false for all the log levels in the unit test project, causing my tests to fail.

If I remove this isEnabled check, then my unit test passes.

Even though, a default log level is set in the appsettings.json file in the actual project as well as unit test project.

The code for my extension method is:

    public static class LoggerExtensions
       public static void LogErrorExt(this ILogger logger, string? message, params object?[] args)
         if (logger.IsEnabled(LogLevel.Error))
           logger.LogError(message, args);

The code for my unit test class is this:

public class ImprovedExtensionsTests
  private readonly Mock < ILogger > _logger;
  public ImprovedExtensionsTests()
    _logger = new Mock < ILogger > ();

  public void TestOne()
    _logger.Object.LogErrorExt("Testing ", 12);
    _logger.Verify(x => x.Log(
      It.IsAny < EventId > (),
      It.IsAny < It.IsAnyType > (),
      It.IsAny < Exception > (),
      (Func < It.IsAnyType, Exception, string > ) It.IsAny < object > ()), Times.Once);

How can I set the log levels in unit test project and make them enabled while running the tests?


  • You have to create the necessary setup for your ILogger mock, e.g.:

    _logger.Setup(m => m.IsEnabled(LogLevel.Error)).Returns(true);

    before the call to LogErrorExt (e.g. directly after _logger = new Mock<ILogger>();).