I am using spring integration to change a flow after particular retry is completed. My IntegrationFlow bean for errorResponse is as follows:
public IntegrationFlow errorMailResponse(@Qualifier(ERROR_CHANNEL) PollableChannel errorChannel) {
return IntegrationFlows.from(errorChannel)
.handle(MessagingException.class, (payload, headers) -> handleMessageException(payload),
e -> e.poller(p -> p.fixedDelay(pollerInterval)))
If method handleMessageException
returns an object I want the flow to continue to particular channel - MAIN_EVENTS_CHANNEL if handleMessageException
returns null I want to continue to NO_OUTPUT_CHANNEL.
Is that possible to achieve with Spring integration? I tried to use subflow but I am not sure if it is the way. https://docs.spring.io/spring-integration/reference/html/dsl.html#java-dsl-subflows
public IntegrationFlow errorMailResponse(@Qualifier(ERROR_CHANNEL) PollableChannel errorChannel) {
return IntegrationFlows.from(errorChannel)
.handle(MessagingException.class, (payload, headers) -> handleMailMessageException(payload),
e -> e.poller(p -> p.fixedDelay(pollerInterval)))
.publishSubscribeChannel(subscription -> subscription
.subscribe(subflow -> subflow
.<MailPojo>handle((payload, headers) -> {
// if if result handleMessageException == null
.subscribe(subflow -> subflow
.<MailPojo>handle((payload, headers) -> {
// if result handleMessageException !=null
Any help is appreciated.
First of all the null
is not a payload
. Therefore messaging does not support null
in most cases. The integration flow just stops at the point where you return null
: https://docs.spring.io/spring-integration/docs/current/reference/html/messaging-endpoints.html#service-activator-namespace
The service activator is one of those components that is not required to produce a reply message. If your method returns null or has a void return type, the service activator exits after the method invocation, without any signals.
So, your assumption to make a logical decision is not correct with Spring Integration. You need to think about something what could be used as a signal for such a NO_OUTPUT_CHANNEL
. You can create an artificial NullType
and use a PayloadTypeRouter
to determine when to go next according the payload type returned from your handleMailMessageException()
.<Object, Class<?>>route(Object::getClass, m -> m
.channelMapping(MailPojo.class, MAIN_EVENTS_CHANNEL)
.channelMapping(NullType.class, NO_OUTPUT_CHANNEL))
Another way is to use an Optional
and check its content in the router function. Either way you need to use a router.