Search code examples

How to use examples mentioned in cucumber scenario in Background statement

The aim is to use examples mentioned in the scenario to be used in the background given statement in a feature file.

following is the feature file for reference

Feature:  As a user with a valid credentials i should view awards and select products for cart

    Given an authenticated logged in user with valid <username> and <password>
  Scenario: Bot should display awards
     When the user is checks for award section
     Then User is presented with awards earned
      | username | password | 
      | username | password | 
  Scenario: bot should select the proper product
     When the user chooses product to buy
     Then User is presented with cart with selected product.
      | username | password | 
      | username | password | 


  • Cucumber doesn't support scenario outline in background. You need to define that in the scenario, which means if you want to user scenario outline you can't use that step in Back ground. Here is the update from cucumber team regarding this featureenter link description here: