I have a Gatling scenario where I'm calling the Gatling demo app endpoint. I noticed that the first request is taking a higher time to respond to. For example:
public class OneEndpointSimulation extends Simulation {
HttpProtocolBuilder httpProtocol = http
.acceptEncodingHeader("gzip, deflate")
.userAgentHeader("Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/31.0");
ScenarioBuilder scn = scenario("BasicSimulation")
Here is simulation.log file result:
RUN activitydatabase.OneEndpointSimulation oneendpointsimulation 1647472671275 3.7.5
USER BasicSimulation START 1647472672290
REQUEST request_1 1647472672322 1647472672578 OK
REQUEST request_1 1647472672614 1647472672740 OK
REQUEST request_1 1647472672742 1647472672867 OK
REQUEST request_1 1647472672868 1647472672992 OK
REQUEST request_1 1647472672994 1647472673121 OK
REQUEST request_1 1647472673123 1647472673244 OK
REQUEST request_1 1647472673246 1647472673368 OK
REQUEST request_1 1647472673371 1647472673492 OK
REQUEST request_1 1647472673494 1647472673616 OK
REQUEST request_1 1647472673618 1647472673741 OK
USER BasicSimulation END 1647472673748
Is there any way to speed up the first request?
You're getting it wrong, this is expected.
Because of the way your test is designed, the first request takes more time because it has more work to do:
The next requests for this single virtual user will skip this extra work because: