What is the most efficient way to fill a sparse matrix? I know that sparse matrixes are CSC, so I expected it to be fast to fill them column by column like
using SparseArrays
M = 100
N = 1000
sparr = spzeros(Float64, M, N)
for n = 1:N
# do some math here
idx = <<boolean index array of nonzero elements in the nth column>>
vals = <<values of nonzero elements in the nth column>>
sparr[idx, n] = vals
However, I find that this scales very poorly with N. Is there a better way to fill the array? Or perhaps, I should not bother with filling the array and instead initialize the matrix differently?
You can do sparse(I, J, V, M, N)
julia> using SparseArrays
julia> M = 100;
julia> N = 1000;
julia> nz = 2000; # number of nonzeros
julia> I = rand(1:M, nz); # dummy I indices
julia> J = rand(1:N, nz); # dummy J indices
julia> V = randn(nz); # dummy matrix values
julia> sparse(I, J, V, M, N)
100×1000 SparseMatrixCSC{Float64, Int64} with 1982 stored entries:
which should scale decently with size. For more expert use, you could directly construct the SparseMatrixCSC
Note that if you have to stick with the pseudo code you gave with a for-loop for column indices and values, you could simply concatenate them and create I
, J
, and V
I = Int[]
J = Int[]
V = Float64[]
for n = 1:N
# do some math here
idx = <<boolean index array of nonzero elements in the nth column>>
vals = <<values of nonzero elements in the nth column>>
I = [I; idx]
J = [J; fill(n, length(I))]
V = [V; vals]
but that'd be slower I think.