So the definition is giving out as :
Definition constant {X:Type} (c:X) := fun x y : X => y = c.
and I need to generate proof for Theorem const_not_inj : forall c:nat, ~injective (constant c).
I started proof like this:
Theorem const_not_inj : forall c:nat, ~injective (constant c).
unfold injective.
unfold not.
induction c.
then I get stuck having no clue how to continue. Any thought woule be helpful :)
Following on Pierre's suggestion, you can just pass, for instance, 0
and 1
to the H
hypothesis you got after the intros
, thus getting a contradiction. A short proof in SSReflect would be:
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrfun.
Definition constant {X:Type} (c:X) := fun x y : X => y = c.
Theorem const_not_inj : forall c:nat, ~injective (constant c).
Proof. by move=> c /(_ 0 1 erefl). Qed.
Note that erefl
is a proof of the equality of identical terms.