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How to introduce an input in a C program through shell script?

When I execute the program in console I just do this:

./c1 2500

and it just print a integer. The thing here is that I want to introduce 1000 textfiles as input so I made this script:

while [ $c -le 1000 ]
    ./c1 2500 >> sal.txt
    (( c++ ))

The trouble here is that the script is not putting the output in the file text because is not iterating as it should, I think the problem is when the name of the filetext is introduced as $c.txt, how can i solve this? Thanks for reading


  • $c.txt is not a command and the bash interpreter can't understand what that means
    if you want to create a file, use touch [file]
    or you want to copy a existing file to the destination, use cp [src_file] [dst_file]
    so the code may like this:

        ./c1 2500 > $c.txt

    or you may want to append the result to a file:

        ./c1 2500 > $c.txt
        cat $c.txt >> sal.txt

    > and >> both of these operators represent output redirection
    > writes the output to the file
    >> appends the output to the file
    cat concatenates files and print on the standard output