I'm sure the answer is simple; that I'm just missing something easy.
I've got a project where I want to add a razor page to an asp.net core 3.1 project.
I've added the page (using Visual Studio 2022) by right clicking on the Admin folder under Pages and selecting "Add" and then "Razor Page".
However, when I try to navigate to that new page (by putting Admin/SendReminder in the "Launch Profiles" dialog), the debugger starts up a web browser which tries to navigate to
but receives a 404 error. Existing pages do not return a 404. Just the new one.
Anyone know why? What step did I miss in configuring the site to have a new page?
TIA, Owen
So, to fix this: in Visual Studio 2022 click on the cshtml file in the "Solution Explorer" window and then change the "Build Action" in the "Properties" window from "None" to "Content"!