I would like to combine a Kotlin extension function on some receiver class Receiver
with arrow-kt's either comprehension. In a regular Kotlin extension function, this
binds to the receiver object; however, the either-comprehension EitherEffect
shadows the Receiver this
suspend fun Receiver.myFun(param: String): Either<Throwable, String> = either {
this.someMethod(...).bind() // Cannot access Receiver.someMethod, <this> is bound to EitherEffect
How can I access the receiver context within arrow's either-comprehension block (or any other monadic comprehension block)?
This is an issue inherited from Kotlin, but you can always access outer scoped this
by referencing it by name. Here you can access Receiver
by referencing it by this@myFun
suspend fun Receiver.myFun(param: String): Either<Throwable, String> = either {
[email protected](...).bind() // Cannot access Receiver.someMethod, <this> is bound to EitherEffect
However, you should be able to simply call someMethod
here without referencing this
suspend fun Receiver.myFun(param: String): Either<Throwable, String> = either {
Hope that solves your issue.