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NGXS Forms - How to handle nested form components

I've got a user profile form with multiple steps, i.e. a wizard. On Submit/Save, the entire user profile form has to be submitted to an API I'm using NGXS and NGXS Forms.

At the moment I have implemented the UI as a single Angular Reactive Forms and a single state property form, the model is of the type the API expects. There is a component for each step, but they all use the same form. The big problem with this approach is that I can't detect whether the fields on a step are valid or not, I can only detect if the entire form is valid.

To solve this, I think I have to create multiple Angular forms. However, I can't bind them all to the same state property form, as on each step I only have a subset of properties.

So, my thinking now is to create a form property in my state for each step, each with its own interface for the properties it stores. Then, I can create a selector that will return the entire object I can submit to the API.

In code, currently:

form: {
  model: UserProfileDto,


personalDetailsForm: {
model: PersonalDetailsModel, 
workDetailsForm: {
model: WorkDetailsModel

profileDetails(state: ProfileState) {
  return {...state.workDetailsForm.model, ...state.personalDetailsForm.model}

Is this the way to go or is there an easier approach?


  • It's very opinion question, but I can share my thoughts.

    In parent component I will create separate form for every step:

    • it helps to write validation rules for every step;
    • you can check, is valid/invalid form in every step
    • in case, if you store it in parent component, you can write logic for switching between steps(e.g. not allow to go to another step in case of current step is invalid)
    export class Component {
      ngOnInit(): void {
        this.workDetailsForm = this.buildWorkForm();
        this.personalDetailsForm = this.buildPersonalForm();
        // and through merge + valueChanges you can get the last object at any time
        .subscribe(() => {
          this.profileDetails = {
        // here you can check, that the whole form is valid
        .subscribe(() => {
          this.isFormValid = this.workDetailsForm.valid && this.personalDetailsForm.valid;
     [form]="workDetailsForm"> </app-step-work-details>
     [form]="personalDetailsForm"> </app-step-personal-details>