I'm mocking the transformer call like below
3 * transformer.transform(_ as Traveler, _ as Map<String, String>, _ as List<Train>) >>> [expectedObject[0], expectedObject[1], expectedObject[2]]
able to mock successfully.
Now, want to assert the 2nd arguement which is Map<String, String>.
Tried like below
3 * transformer.transform(_ as Traveler, _ as Map<String, String>, _ as List<Train>) >> {
Map<String, String> test->
assert test['abcd'] == '1234'
But not able to assert. How to assert this?
Have a look at argument constraints in your case the code argument constraint combined with type constraint is what you want.
I've created a MCVE based on the limited code that you provided.
interface Transformer {
String transform(Map<String, String> argument)
class ASpec extends Specification {
def "code argument constraint"() {
Transformer transformer = Mock()
transformer.transform([a: 'hello', b: 'world'])
1 * transformer.transform({ it.b == 'world'} as Map<String, String>) >> 'Hello World'
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