I have a program that reads the content of a file and puts it as a String. The String input looks like this:
Age: 0-11,25203,18,54% ~
Age: 12-19,26722,35,68% ~
Age: 20-39,28427,46,72%. ~
Note: Each ICU admission is also included in the total number of hospitalization.,,, ~
Where each "~" is a line skip.
I am looking to put each of the Age lines in a String array. I managed to find the number of '\n' in my String that I put into counter. So, I tried to do
for(int i=0; i<counter;i++){
array[i]=input.substring(0, input.indexOf("\n")); //Puts the first line of the String in the array
input=input.replaceFirst(array[i],""); //To remove the first line of the String
But this doesn't work as the String won't cut further than the second line. Therefore, "~" is not equal to '\n' as I cannot find a '\n' once my String is chopped to
Age: 12-19,26722,35,68% ~
Age: 20-39,28427,46,72%. ~
Note: Each ICU admission is also included in the total number of hospitalization.,,, ~
Also, I found this strange behaviour once the String was chopped:
System.out.println("A: "+input.contains("\n"));
System.out.println("B "+input.indexOf('\n'));
Which renders the output:
A: true
B: 0
And so, I am confused because "\n" should be at the end of my line and not at index 0. As such, I think I can't chop my string further because it locates the "\n" at 0.
Quick note: I am not allowed to find the exact number of characters in the line and chop it after since it's only a sample file and the length of the line could vary.
's second argument is the end of the substring, exclusively.
substring(a,b) get you the substring from index a to index b-1.
"abcd".substring(0,1) -> "a"
"abcd".substring(1,3) -> "bc"
Which means for your example, you are cutting everything away except the newline, so the second time your loop runs, input has a newline as the first character. You get indexOf('\n')
= 0, nothing happens.
To include the newline in array[i], you have to do
array[i]=input.substring(0, input.indexOf("\n") + 1);