I have a jar file which has two class files per java file.
I have verified that there is only one java files per class. The java files do not any contain inner classes. I am using the ant jar-task to create the jar file. Before I execute the task, there is only one class file per class in the build directory.
I see the double class files with jar -tf jarfile.jar or when I view it in a zip program. When I unpack the files, the zip program asks if it should overwrite the existing file.
How can this happen?
I think I found the problem. This is the jar task:
<jar basedir="${build.class.dir}" jarfile="${dist.dir}/${subproject}.jar">
<fileset dir="${build.class.dir}" />
As I read in the Ant website
This task forms an implicit FileSet and supports most attributes of (dir becomes >basedir) as well as the nested , and elements.
So it would seem that either the tag or basedir is uneccessary. At least it works.fine if I comment out the fileset tag.
Thanks for your help and pointers!