I'm trying to get computed
to work in <script setup>
<p>{{ whatever.get() }}</p>
<script setup>
import {computed} from "vue";
const whatever = computed({
get() {
return 'check?';
The console.log()
comes through but the return
statement seems to throw an error:
Vue warn]: Unhandled error during execution of render function
at <Cms>
Uncaught TypeError: $setup.whatever.get is not a function
at Proxy.render (app.js?id=d9e007128724c77a8d69ec76c6c081a0:39550:266)
at renderComponentRoot (app.js?id=d9e007128724c77a8d69ec76c6c081a0:25902:44)
at ReactiveEffect.componentUpdateFn [as fn] (app.js?id=d9e007128724c77a8d69ec76c6c081a0:30019:57)
at ReactiveEffect.run (app.js?id=d9e007128724c77a8d69ec76c6c081a0:23830:29)
at setupRenderEffect (app.js?id=d9e007128724c77a8d69ec76c6c081a0:30145:9)
at mountComponent (app.js?id=d9e007128724c77a8d69ec76c6c081a0:29928:9)
at processComponent (app.js?id=d9e007128724c77a8d69ec76c6c081a0:29886:17)
at patch (app.js?id=d9e007128724c77a8d69ec76c6c081a0:29487:21)
at render (app.js?id=d9e007128724c77a8d69ec76c6c081a0:30630:13)
at mount (app.js?id=d9e007128724c77a8d69ec76c6c081a0:28882:25)
What am I doing wrong?
In <template>
Getter only:
{{ myVal }}
<p v-text="myVal" />
Getter and setter:
<input v-model="myVal">
Important: Do not use myVal.get()
or myVal.set(value)
! Use:
myVal = value
In <script setup>
Getter only:
const someReactiveRef = ref(null)
const myVal = computed(() => someReactiveRef.value)
Getter & setter:
const someReactiveRef = ref(null)
const myVal = computed({
get() {
return someReactiveRef.value
set(val) {
someReactiveRef.value = val
// myVal can now be used in `v-model`
When the reactive ref is coming from a reactive()
object's property, you don't need the .value
in either the setter or the getter. Example:
const store = reactive({
someProp: null
const myVal = computed({
get() {
return store.someProp
set(val) {
store.someProp = val
Remember you can always use computed
inside reactive
. Example:
const { createApp, reactive, computed, toRefs } = Vue
setup() {
const state = reactive({
firstName: 'John W.',
lastName: 'Doe',
// getter + setter
fullName: computed({
get() {
return [state.firstName, state.lastName].join(' ')
set(val) {
const [last, ...rest] = val.split(' ').reverse()
state.firstName = rest.reverse().join(' ')
state.lastName = last
// getter only:
name: computed(() => state.fullName)
return toRefs(state)
<script src="https://unpkg.com/vue@3.2.40/dist/vue.global.prod.js"></script>
<div id="app">
<input v-model="firstName" />
<input v-model="lastName" />
<input v-model="fullName" />
<pre v-text="{ firstName, lastName, fullName, name }"></pre>
Important notes:
, Vue will warn you (the computed wrapper is unnecessary).shallowRef
or markRaw