Hello everyone I am trying to make a Searchable Dropdown with TMPro InputField. It currently gets the first letter but I couldn't figure out how to add the other letters. For example if I write "a" in input field it gets me the options that start with the letter "a" but if I wrote "an" nothing changes.
private void Start()
public void UpdateEmoteDropdown()
CurrentText = InputField.text;
emoteDropdown.value = 0;
foreach (var animation in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Animations)))
string name = Enum.GetName(typeof(Animations), animation);
if (CurrentText.Length == 0)
emoteDropdown.options.Add(new Dropdown.OptionData()
text = name
else {
if (CurrentText[0] == name[0])
emoteDropdown.options.Add(new Dropdown.OptionData()
text = name
emoteDropdown.value = 0;
Well you only ever check the very first letter in
if(CurrentText[0] == name[0])
what about rather using e.g. string.StartsWith
or if you even want to include results that contain the given string at any point not just the beginning rather use string.Contains