i am here trying to add a node to a singlylinkedlist
SinglyLinkedListNode s = new SinglyLinkedListNode(data);
if(head == null){SinglyLinkedList a = new SinglyLinkedList();
a.head = s;
return a.head;}
SinglyLinkedListNode a = head;
while(head.next != null){
head = head.next;}
head.next = s;
return a;
this one works but if i do this -
SinglyLinkedListNode s = new SinglyLinkedListNode(data);
if(head == null){SinglyLinkedList a = new SinglyLinkedList();
a.head = s;
return a.head;}
SinglyLinkedListNode a = head;
while(head != null){
head = head.next;}
head = s;
return a;
some how the list now contains only one node
In your first code while loop terminates when head.next != null
, after termination head will point to last node in the linked list and when you do head.next = s
it will append new node to you existing list.
In your second code while loop terminates when head == null
, after termination head will point to null
. so now you are assigning head = s
so head will point to newly created node and it is not appended to your original list.