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Kubernetes nginx ingress controller is unreliable

I need help understanding in detail how an ingress controller, specifically the ingress-nginx ingress controller, is supposed to work. To me, it appears as a black box that is supposed to listen on a public IP, terminate TLS, and forward traffic to a pod. But exactly how that happens is a mystery to me.

The primary goal here is understanding, the secondary goal is troubleshooting an immediate issue I'm facing.

I have a cluster with five nodes, and am trying to get the Jupyterhub application to run on it. For the most part, it is working fine. I'm using a pretty standard Rancher RKE setup with flannel/calico for the networking. The nodes run RedHat 7.9 with iptables and firewalld, and docker 19.03.

The Jupyterhub proxy is set up with a ClusterIP service (I also tried a NodePort service, that also works). I also set up an ingress. The ingress sometimes works, but oftentimes does not respond (connection times out). Specifically, if I delete the ingress, and then redeploy my helm chart, the ingress will start working. Also, if I restart one of my nodes, the ingress will start working again. I have not identified the circumstances when the ingress stops working.

Here are my relevant services:

kubectl get services
NAME                       TYPE        CLUSTER-IP    EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)    AGE
hub                        ClusterIP   <none>        8081/TCP   378d
proxy-api                  ClusterIP    <none>        8001/TCP   378d
proxy-public               ClusterIP    <none>        80/TCP     378d

This works; telnet 80 responds as expected (of course only from one of the nodes). I can also telnet directly to the proxy-public pod ( in my case).

Here is my ingress.

kubectl describe ingress
Name:             jupyterhub
Labels:           app=jupyterhub
Namespace:        jhub
Address:          k8s-node4.<redacted>,k8s-node5.<redacted>
Default backend:  default-http-backend:80 (<error: endpoints "default-http-backend" not found>)
  tls-jhub terminates jupyterhub.<redacted>
  Host                     Path  Backends
  ----                     ----  --------
                           /   proxy-public:http (
Events:                    <none>

What I understand so far about the ingress in this situation:

Traffic arrives on port 443 at k8s-node4 or k8s-node5. Some magic (controlled by the ingress controller) receives that traffic, terminates TLS, and sends the unencrypted traffic to the pod's IP at port 8000. That's the part I want to understand better.

That black box seems to at least partially involve flanel/calico and some iptables magic, and it also obviously involves nginx at some point.

Update: in the meantime, I identified what causes Kubernetes to break: restarting firewalld.

As best I can tell, that wipes out all iptables rules, not just the firewalld-generated ones.


  • I found the answer to my question here: There probably is a caveat that this may vary to some extent depending on which networking CNI you are using, although everything I saw was strictly related to Kubernetes itself.

    I'm still trying to digest the content of this blog, and I highly recommend referring directly to that blog, instead of relying on my answer, which could be a poor retelling of the story.

    Here is approximately how a package that arrives on port 443 flows.

    You will need to use the command to see the tables.

    iptables -t nat -vnL | less

    The output of this looks rather intimidating.

    The below cuts out a lot of other chains and calls to cut to the chase. In this example:

    • This cluster uses the CNI plugin for Calico/channel/Flannel.
    • Listen port is 443
    • The pod for the nginx-ingress-controller listens (among others) at

    In that situation, here is how the packet flows:

    • The packet comes into the PREROUTING chain.
    • The PREROUTING chain calls (among other things) the CNI-HOSTPORT-DNAT chain.
    • The POSTROUTING chain also calls the same chain.
    • The CNI-HOSTPORT-DNAT chain in turn calls several CNI-DN-xxxx chains.
    • The CNI-DN-xxx chains perform DNAT and change the destination address to
    • The container inside the nginx-ingress-controller listens on

    There is some additional complexity involved if the pod is on a different node than the packet arrived in, and also if multiple pods are load-balanced for the same port. Load balancing seems to be handled with the iptables statistics module randomly picking one or the other iptables rule.

    Internal traffic from a service to a pod follows a similar flow, but not the same.

    In this example:

    • The service is at, port 8001
    • The pod is at, port 8001.
    Chain PREROUTING (policy ACCEPT 0 packets, 0 bytes)
    KUBE-SERVICES  all  --  *      *  
    Chain KUBE-SERVICES (2 references)
    /* Traffic from within the cluster to */
    0 0 KUBE-SVC-ZHCKOT5PFJF4PASJ  tcp  --  *      *            tcp dpt:8001
    /* Mark the package */
    Chain KUBE-SVC-ZHCKOT5PFJF4PASJ (1 references)
     pkts bytes target     prot opt in     out     source               destination
        0     0 KUBE-MARK-MASQ  tcp  --  *      *      !  tcp dpt:8081
        0     0 KUBE-SEP-RYU73S2VFHOHW4XO  all  --  *      *   
    /* Perform DNAT, redirecting from to */
    Chain KUBE-SEP-RYU73S2VFHOHW4XO (1 references)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       0     0 KUBE-MARK-MASQ  all  --  *      *
    0     0 DNAT       tcp  --  *      *   tcp to:

    The second part of my question regarding how to get the nodes to work reliably:

    • Disable firewalld.
    • Use Kubernetes network policies (or use Calico network policies if you are using Calico) instead.