I need to implement a simple version of schedule for monthly tasks. For example payment of electricity bills, subscription fees for communications, etc. I want to implement a set of the following operations:
if the next month has more days than the current one, the "additional" days must be left empty (not containing cases);
if the next month has fewer days than the current one, cases from all "extra" days must be moved to the last day of the next month.
Basically I have a problem with "NEXT" step. Namely copying from old vector month to the new one. Here is my code:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
int main(){
//q - number of operations to perform.
//day - on which day to plan operation.
//to_do - what exactly to do on some day.
//operation - which kind of operation to perform.
vector<int>day_mon = {31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31};
//m_ind - month index
int m_ind = 0;
int q,day;
string operation;
string to_do;
//vector of the current month
vector<vector<string>> current_month(31);
cin >> q;
//for q operations:
for(int i = 0;i< q;i++){
cin >> operation;
if(operation == "NEXT"){
//insert days in the next months
vector<vector<string>> next_month = current_month;
int days_diff = day_mon[m_ind] - day_mon[m_ind+1];
//if next month has less days as current month, write days into the last day
//of the next months
if(days_diff > 0){
for(int i = 0; i < days_diff;i++){
next_month[day_mon[m_ind]-1].insert(end(next_month[day_mon[m_ind]-1]), begin(next_month[day_mon[m_ind]+i]), end(next_month[day_mon[m_ind]+i]));
} else if(operation == "ADD"){
cin >> day >> to_do;
} else if(operation == "DUMP"){
cin >> day;
for(int i = 0; i < current_month[day].size(); i++){
cout << current_month[day][i] << ' ';
cout << endl;
return 0;
My problem is, that I don't know how to convert next_month
to current_month
(efficiently). How can it be done in c++?
What you need is a set of vectors for each month. Either another vector if you want to number the months 0 - 11, or maybe a map of month name to vector. Lets go with the former
Also too many nested vector is hard to read. Lets define some types.
typedef vector<string> day; // the tasks for a day
typedef vector<day> month; // a month
ok so now lets create a year
vector<month> year(12);
for (int days : day_mon) {
now lets pick january as our current month
month& current_month = year[0];
and add a task to jan 4th
current_month[4].push_back("do dishes");
now lets switch month
current_month = year[5];