I have placed this code in a new class
public class Monster {
private String name;
private int health, mana, attack;
public void setName(String name) {this.name=name;}
public void setHealth(int health) {this.health=health;}
public void setMana(int mana){this.mana=mana;}
public void setAttack(int attack){this.attack=attack;}
public String getName() {return name;}
public int getHealth() {return health;}
public int getMana() {return mana;}
public int getAttack(){return attack;}
public Monster(String name, int health, int mana, int attack) {
and want to use it in a different activity. I made sure to import the class in the activity and have written these codes:
Monster vampire = new Monster("Vampire", 2000, 300, 25);
I want to set text view according to what is written so I wrote:
but when I run the application, text view writes 'null' and monsterHP and monsterMP writes '0'. How do I set the text according to the class?
Custom constructor is not properly initialized.
When call Monster vampire = new Monster("Vampire", 2000, 300, 25);
no values are set, so obvious null:string
and 0:numbers
returns (java default initializers).
Adapt with:
public Monster(String name, int health, int mana, int attack) {
this.name = name;
this.health = health;
this.mana = mana;
this.attack = atack;