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Data manipulation in R to be converted into time series data

I am using the url link to download this dataset:

So in R I am coding it as:

url_dbedt_dicennial <- ""

    # download the xls to a temporary file
    temp <- tempfile(fileext = ".xlsx")
    download.file(url = url_dbedt_dicennial, destfile = temp, mode = "wb")
    # data from dbedt dicennial (look at each step to understand)
    data_in_dbedt_dicennial <- temp %>%
        range = cellranger::as.cell_limits("A6:H15"),) %>%
        t() %>%

The generated output is the following:

enter image description here What I am struggling right now after transpose is to how relabel the columns as "time", "HI", "HON", "HAW", "KAU", "MAU" and then to eliminate V1, V3, V8, and V9. I know I can eliminate columns manually one-by-one but there is a clever way of doing it? County should be relabeled as time.

Eventually I want to use the mutate function for the time variable, that is,


and convert the data into time series with


State of Hawaii should be labeled as "HI", Hawaii County as "HAW", City and County of Honolulu as "HON", Kauai County as "KAU", and Maui County 1/ as "MAU"


  • So this turned out to be a little more complicated than I first thought, in part because of t(), which is really designed to work with matrices. Fortunately, I was able to find some guidance elsewhere on SO, where I found transpose_df(). Though this works, I imagine this could be cleaned up a bit.

    data_in_dbedt_dicennial <- temp %>%
        range = cellranger::as.cell_limits("A6:H15"),) %>% 
    transpose_df <- function(df) {
      t_df <- data.table::transpose(df)
      colnames(t_df) <- rownames(df)
      rownames(t_df) <- colnames(df)
      t_df <- t_df %>%
        tibble::rownames_to_column(.data = .) %>%
    data_in_dbedt_dicennial <- transpose_df(data_in_dbedt_dicennial) %>% 
      .[-1,] %>% 
        Year = rowname, HI = `1`, HAW = `2`, 
        HON = `3`, KAU = `4`, MAU = `5`
      ) %>% 
      mutate(across(everything(), as.integer))


    # A tibble: 7 × 6
       Year      HI    HAW     HON   KAU    MAU
    1  1960  632772  61332  500409 28176  42855
    2  1970  769913  63468  630528 29761  46156
    3  1980  964691  92053  762565 39082  70991
    4  1990 1108229 120317  836231 51177 100504
    5  2000 1211537 148677  876156 58463 128241
    6  2010 1360301 185079  953207 67091 154924
    7  2020 1455271 200629 1016508 73298 164836