I have some experience with the scala. I want to introduce it into new project with 10 members. But despite all expressiveness of the scala, I am very unsure of how simple the code can be maintained and transferred to new team members. At the moment I have studied only one big project on a scala http://code.google.com/p/factorie/ and some scala DSL(apache camel). So my question is how much scala maintainable/supportable comparing to java, python and groovy for team of mid level developers?
In general: the maintainability of the codebase depends on (to name a few)
You can create a mess using any language available. Arguably you can create a clean and maintainable project of any size using any programming language that is intended for production use.
That said - scala shouldn't be any less maintainable than java, python or groovy. The result of the first project may be less maintainable though.