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flatpickr js keeps reverting date to Jan 1, 2022

I'm using flatpickr as a datepicker in html/js. I pull the module in using jsdelivr:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script>

It's been behaving normally for years, but yesterday it started behaving oddly. Here is my javascript, which I have not changed:

$("input[type='datetime'], input[type='datetime-local']").flatpickr({
        enableTime: true,
          altInput: true,
          altFormat: "F j, Y at h:i K",
          dateFormat: "Y-m-d H:i",
        time_24hr: false

And that displays a datepicker like so: source code

When I select a date, the value of the datepicker flatpickr-input class changes to the datetime chosen and the datepicker form-control input class changes its name to datepicker form-control input active. I think that's all expected.

The problem is that when I click a second time (either on another date or outside of the calendar div), the datetime removes my selection and replaces it with 2022-01-01 00:00.

Why is it doing that rather than keeping the value I select?


  • Having a similar issue, looks like it's with the latest version of 4.6.10. Reverting to 4.6.9 seems to fix the issue.

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