Right now I am using this everywhere in my code:
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
const handleCreate = (input: any): void => {
title: input.title,
other: input.other,
// ...
<Form onFinish={handleCreate}>
// ...
What is the type for the input I should be using to make things safer? Also, where are the antd types so I can look up what their implementation is like, so I know how to use them in other situations as well?
If the type is actually any
, what should I be doing to make this more typesafe?
You can define create an interface for all the fields wrapped inside the form & use it as a type in where you want to use. you can also add type in useForm Hook.
import { Checkbox, Form, Input } from 'antd';
import './style.css';
const { Item } = Form;
interface FormRule {
name: string;
isVerified: boolean;
export default function App() {
const [form] = Form.useForm<FormRule>();
const onFinish = (data: FormRule) => {};
return (
// onFinish={(data) => {}} // => Write `data.`. It will show all the keys or Hover on `data` (Shows The Type of data [FormRule] )
<Item name='name' label='Name'>
<Input />
<Item name='isVerified' label='Verified' valuePropName='checked'>
<Checkbox />
If you add type in useForm, you can take advantage of editor intellisense when you set fields values:
form.setFieldsValue({ ... })}