"Name": "Dr.Soma",
"Email": "drsoma@gmail.com",
"MobNo": 111111111
"Name": "Bootha Ganesh",
"Email": "boothaganesg@gmail.com",
"MobNo": 222222222
"Name": "Steven",
"Email": "steven@gmail.com",
"MobNo": 333333333
"Name": "Dr.Anbarasi",
"Email": "anbarasi@gmail.com",
"MobNo": 4444444444
I try this to using find regex
"Name": "Steven",
"Email": "steven@gmail.com",
"MobNo": 333333333
How to find data Name dot(.) after Soma & Space after Ganesh
Excepted Output
If I find Name Ganesh,I need
"Name": "Bootha Ganesh",
"Email": "boothaganesg@gmail.com",
"MobNo": 222222222
If I find Name small s or capital S ,I need
"Name": "Dr.Soma",
"Email": "drsoma@gmail.com",
"MobNo": 111111111
No Need Name Dr.Anbarasi data
db.collection.find({"Name": {'$regex': /\bsoma[a-zA-Z0-9]*/gi}})
\b assert position at a word boundary: (^\w | \w$ | \W\w|\w\W)
soma-for searching value
[a-zA-Z0-9]-word characters
*-to entire string