As part of a custom Coder
, I convert both Float
and Double
in the exact same way :
static func encode(_ value : Double) -> Data {
withUnsafeBytes(of: value.bitPattern.bigEndian) { Data($0) }
static func encode(_ value : Float) -> Data {
withUnsafeBytes(of: value.bitPattern.bigEndian) { Data($0) }
I thought that instead I could require that value
would conform to a protocol, and since the FloatingPoint
protocol does not guarantee the presence of bitPattern
, I thought I would make my own :
protocol CompatibleFloatingPoint {
var bitPattern : FixedWidthInteger { get }
This, however, gives the following error :
Protocol 'FixedWidthInteger' can only be used as a generic constraint because it has Self or associated type requirements
However, I cannot replace FixedWidthInteger
with a specific type, as Double.bitPattern
is a UInt64
and Float.bitPattern
is a UInt32
What is the proper syntax to require that bitPattern
conform to the FixedWidthInteger
protocol without forcing it to have a specific type ?
What you're looking for is an associated type. This means exactly what you've described (the required type conforms to a protocol rather than being the existential of that protocol):
protocol CompatibleFloatingPoint {
associatedtype BitPattern: FixedWidthInteger
var bitPattern : BitPattern { get }
extension Float: CompatibleFloatingPoint {}
extension Double: CompatibleFloatingPoint {}
For more details, see Associated Types in the Swift Programming Language.