I am putting the data from xlsx file into csv file. This is my code:-
const file = fs.openSync('/home/rahul/example/sample.csv', 'w')
const workbook = new exceljs.Workbook();
workbook.xlsx.readFile( path.join(__dirname, '' + args.filename)).then(function() {
const worksheet = workbook.getWorksheet('sheet3');
const buffer = array2CsvLine(row.values)
fs.writeSync(file, buffer, { flag: 'a' })
console.log('error related to fs.writeSync function')
it is giving me this error:-
error related to fs.writeSync function
{ Error: EBADF: bad file descriptor, write
at Object.writeSync (fs.js:569:3)
at /home/rahul/min-wage/xls2csv.js:73:16
at _rows.forEach.row (/home/rahul/min-wage/node_modules/exceljs/lib/doc/worksheet.js:515:11)
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
at Worksheet.eachRow (/home/rahul/min-wage/node_modules/exceljs/lib/doc/worksheet.js:513:18)
at /home/rahul/min-wage/xls2csv.js:70:15 errno: -9, syscall: 'write', code: 'EBADF' }
But if I use the commented fs.closeSync(file)
, then it works fine. I don't know why is this happening? I think, I can close file at global place too.
The call to:
...is called before the promise resolves. Just remove it from the last line and uncomment the other call inside the promise.