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ArchUnit: Check only field method-calls

I need to make sure that classes annotated by @Path only call methods in classes annotated by @Secured. But only method-calls on fields (e.g. injected beans) should be checked. What I have so far is:


So 2 parts are missing:

  • The check that only calls on fields should be considered and not the ones on local variables
  • The part in declaredIn to check that the methods should be declared in a class that has @Secured-annotation

Is there a way to achieve this?


  • There's a simple solution for the second part: With

    import com.tngtech.archunit.core.domain.JavaClass;
    import static;
    import static com.tngtech.archunit.lang.syntax.ArchRuleDefinition.classes;

    you can use

                                .as("are defined in classes annotated with @Secured")

    Note that areMetaAnnotatedWith also includes direct annoations since ArchUnit 0.17.0. If you wanted to test constructor calls as well, you could replace onlyCallMethodsThat with onlyCallCodeUnitsThat.

    Unfortunately, I don't think that the first part can be solved with the current version ArchUnit 0.23.1: You can rewrite the above rule to test each JavaMethodCall, which is more specific than the called JavaMethod:

                .should().callMethodWhere(describe("owner is not @Secured",
                    methodCall ->

    With JavaMethodCall#getOrigin(), you can find the JavaCodeUnit where the method call occured, but this does not include information about the object on which the method was called.

    If I understood correctly, you want to distinguish the following cases:

    class SecuredOwner {
        void method() {
    class NotSecuredOwner {
        void method() {
    class ThisShouldBeOkay {
        SecuredOwner securedOwner = new SecuredOwner();
        void call_secured_method_on_field() {
        void call_not_secured_method_on_local_variable() {
            new NotSecuredOwner().method();