I am trying to make an API call in useEffect() and want useEffect() to be called everytime a new data is added in the backend. I made a custom Button(AddUserButton.js) which adds a new user in backend. I am importing this button in the file (ManageUsers.js) where I am trying to display all the users. I just wanted to make an useState to keep track everytime an add button is clicked and make useEffect refresh according to it. For Example:
const [counter, setCounter] = useState(0);
const handleAdd = () => {
setCounter(state => (state+1));
useEffect(() => {
// fetch data here
}, [counter]);
<Button onClick = {handleAdd}> Add User </Button>
But currently because I have two .js files, I am not sure how to make my logic stated above work in this case
import AddUserButton from "./AddUserButton";
export default function ManageShades() {
useEffect(() => {
.then(function (response) {
// After a successful add, store the returned devices
.catch(function (error) {
// After a failed add
console.log("Load User useeffect call")
return (
<Grid item xs={1}>
<AddUserButton title = "Add User" />
export default function AddDeviceButton() {
return (
<Button variant="contained" onClick={handleClickOpen}>
Add a device
So it seems like you are trying to let a child update it's parent's state, an easy way to do this is to let the parent provide the child a callback, which will update the parent's state when called.
const parent = ()=>{
const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
const increCallback = ()=>{setCount(count + 1)};
return (<div>
<child callback={increCallback}/>
const child = (callback)=>{
return (<button onClick={callback}/>);