I can not define what is wrong with my code. Last time I used it and it wordked, but now when I am trying to read User
, I get ClassCast execption: java.lang.ClassCastException: org.hibernate.loader.plan.build.internal.returns.CollectionReturnImpl cannot be cast to org.hibernate.loader.plan.spi.Fetch
I am using Spring Boot and Hibernate, could you help to determine the reason. User object contains java.util.List of RoleEntity, which contains User in it.
Problem is in the second @Formula
, first works, I don`t know what is wrong here.
@Formula("(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM rdb.review r WHERE r.entity_id =
private Integer reviewsAmount;
@Formula("(SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT author_id) FROM rdb.review r WHERE
r.entity_id = id)")
private Integer peopleEnvolved;
Answer is easy - I need to use r.author_id
in second formula. But it works fine in MySQL Workbench, but does not work in @Formula