I am doing edit page and I am trying to set my forms default value with data I got from API.
My issue is that I have two items in my array but it creates another empty formArray;
What am I doing wrong?
here is my stackblitz
this.filterForm = this.fb.group({
categories: this.fb.array([this.initCat()]),
const control = <FormArray>this.filterForm.get('categories');
this.chosenCarPartCategories.carPartCategories.forEach((x) => {
this.patchValues(x.name, x.carPartSubCategoryId, x.quantity, x.comment)
patchValues(name, carPartSubCategoryId, quantity, comment) {
return this.fb.group({
carPartCategory: [name],
carPartSubCategory: [carPartSubCategoryId],
quantity: [quantity],
comment: [comment],
initCat() {
return this.fb.group({
carPartCategory: ['', Validators.required],
carPartSubCategory: ['', Validators.required],
quantity: ['', Validators.required],
comment: [''],
Very difficult to understand what you're trying to do here, fyi. But your described problem comes from this.initCat()
this.filterForm = this.fb.group({
categories: this.fb.array([this.initCat()]),
Remove it to remove the empty extra form.
this.filterForm = this.fb.group({
categories: this.fb.array([]),