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Laravel inserting data in SQL not possible cause of wrong use of functions

I was trying to calculate the time difference between check-in and checkout, but somehow it's not working. I'm pretty sure I'm doing something wrong, but I can't wrap my head around it.

SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1364 Field 'hours' doesn't have a default value (SQL: insert into times (workers_workid, checkin, checkout) values (110001, 2022-03-09T18:22, 2022-03-09T23:22))


class TimeController extends Controller
    function addData(Request $req)
        $time = new Time;
        $time->workers_workid = $req->worker;
        $time->checkin = $req->checkintimestamp;
        $time->checkout = $req->checkouttimestamp;
        $time->hours = $this->saveData($this->worker, $this->checkintimestamp, 

    public function saveData($id, $cIn, $cOut)
        $rec = Time::create([
            'workers_workid' => $id,
            'checkin' => Carbon::parse($cIn),
            'checkout' => Carbon::parse($cOut),
        $rec['hours'] = $rec['checkout']->floatDiffInHours($rec['checkin']);

        return $rec;


class CreateTimesTable extends Migration
    public function up()
        Schema::create('times', function (Blueprint $table) {


  • The create() method saves the record immediately. You need to adjust your logic to make sure that hours is populated before calling that:

    public function addData(Request $request) {
      $checkin = Carbon::parse($request->checkintimestamp);
      $checkout = Carbon::parse($request->checkouttimestamp);
      $hours = $checkout->floatDiffInHours($checkin);
      return Time::create([
        'workers_workid' => $request->worker,
        'checkin' => $checkin,
        'checkout' => $checkout,
        'hours' => $hours

    Sidenote: Your saveData() method is redundant, and can be removed.

    There are other approaches, like $rec = new Time();, the adding the fields one-by-one, then calling save:

    public function addData(Request $request) {
      $time = new Time();
      $time->workers_workid = $request->worker;
      $time->checkin = Carbon::parse($request->checkintimestamp);
      $time->checkout = Carbon::parse($request->checkouttimestamp);
      $time->hours = $time->checkout->floatDiffInHours($time->checkin);
      return $time;