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Laravel Eloquent query with ORDER BY clause to show record with today's date first, then sort by another column

I have a very simple solution but I dislike that. So, How can I do?

My database:

id   name   view       created_at
1   one     9      2021-01-13 12:34:22
2   two     8      2021-01-15 10:23:02
3   three   23     2021-01-15 20:55:17
4   forth   15     2021-01-16 12:34:22
5   fifth   0      2021-01-19 10:37:02

I want to sort and get my data like this:

id   name   view       created_at
5   fifth   0      2021-01-19 10:37:02
3   three   23     2021-01-15 20:55:17
4   forth   15     2021-01-16 12:34:22
1   one     9     2021-01-13 12:34:22
2   two     8     2021-01-15 10:23:02

My current code is:

$today = '2021-01-19';  //this date will calculate in daily. Not absolute date!

$firstarray = Product::where('created_at', 'LIKE', $today . '%')->get();
$secondarray=Product::orderBy('viewer', 'DESC')->get();
$data = array_merge($firstarray, $secondarray);
return $data;

If today's date was hardcoded, it would be:

$today = '2021-01-19';  //this date will calculate in daily. Not absolute date!
$data = Product::orderBy(DB::raw('FIELD(created_at, LIKE $today . "%")'),'DESC')
        ->orderBy('view', 'desc')->get();
return $data;

I need a dynamic query to sort by today's date, then by view valued DESC.

I am using Laravel 6.


  • Your question is not clear! If it's the way I understand, that's the solution.

    $data = Product::whereDate('created_at', now())->orderBy('view','desc')->get();