i have a simple use case here, a list of words saved using shardpreferences, displayed using recycler view. i need to add words and delete words
to add words:
public void get_word(String new_word) {
SharedPreferences.Editor editor = sharedPreferences.edit();
editor.putString(String.valueOf(sharedPreferences.getAll().size()), new_word);
adapter.notifyItemInserted(vocabL.size() - 1);
VVlist.scrollToPosition(vocabL.size() -1);
the idea here is quite simple and buggy, the keys im using for shared preferences are numbers, so here i used the size function which would return the next number i can use but here is the issue:
public void onBindViewHolder(@NonNull RecyclerAdapter.ViewHolder holder, int position) {
holder.textView.setOnClickListener(v -> Toast.makeText(context, "Clicked on " + holder.getAbsoluteAdapterPosition(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show());
holder.textView.setOnLongClickListener(view -> {
AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(context)
.setTitle("Delete word")
.setMessage("are you sure you want to delete?")
.setPositiveButton("yes", (dialogInterface, i) -> {
list.remove(holder.getAbsoluteAdapterPosition()); editor.remove(String.valueOf(holder.getAbsoluteAdapterPosition()));
.setNegativeButton("no", (dialogInterface, i) -> {
return true;
here when i delete a word, i loose the key as well so i guess the problem is clear, the next time i try to add a word, i override an existing value also there are other problems with this inefficient code, when deleting, the position can differ to the key, hence deleting something that wasnt meant to be deleted
there is a list 'list' in the above code, which is nothing but a list containing all the words, i used it for testing possible solutions
im self taught, im not aware of the right programming practises to use here. the only possible solution i can think of is using the map interface, but i feel like there are better ways to go around this thanks
public void onBindViewHolder(@NonNull ViewHolder holder, int position) {
holder.textView.setOnClickListener(v -> Toast.makeText(context, "Clicked on " + holder.getAbsoluteAdapterPosition(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show());
holder.textView.setOnLongClickListener(view -> {
AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(context)
.setTitle("Delete word")
.setMessage("are you sure you want to delete?")
.setPositiveButton("yes", (dialogInterface, i) -> {
.setNegativeButton("no", (dialogInterface, i) -> {
return true;
the solution i found is to use tags for identification, i made a list(pist) of all the values in the shared preferences and im using the words as the keys, since its more convenient, if needed we could always make another list of keys and set the tag accordingly im not sure if this is the professional way to go abt it, but it works fine and seems decent enough nevertheless Im still open to answers