In this Question, I need to print the huffman code for all the data. But for the given test case below, I'm getting different output.
i j k l m n o p
5 9 12 13 16 45 55 70
First line enters the number of letters
Second line enters the letters
Third line enters the frequencies of the letters
Expected Output
n: 00
k: 0100
l: 0101
i: 01100
j: 01101
m: 0111
o: 10
p: 11
My Output
n: 00
o: 01
k: 1000
l: 1001
i: 10100
j: 10101
m: 1011
p: 11
My code
using namespace std;
struct Node {
char data;
int freq;
Node *left, *right;
Node(char x, int y): data(x), freq(y), left(NULL), right(NULL) {}
struct compare {
bool operator()(Node *l, Node*r) {
return l->freq > r->freq;
void display(Node *p, string str) {
if(p) {
if(p->data != '$')
cout << p->data << ": " << str << "\n";
display(p->left, str + "0");
display(p->right, str + "1");
void huffmanCodes(char data[], int fr[], int n) {
priority_queue<Node*, vector<Node*>, compare > pq;
for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
pq.push(new Node(data[i], fr[i]));
while(pq.size() != 1) {
Node *l =;
Node *r =;
Node *t = new Node('$', l->freq + r->freq);
t->left = l;
t->right = r;
display(, "");
int main() {
int n;
cin >> n;
char data[n];
int freq[n];
for(auto &x: data) cin >> x;
for(auto &x: freq) cin >> x;
huffmanCodes(data, freq, n);
Just to add to 500's correct answer, depending on the choice made, you can get either of these trees, both of which are valid and optimal:
By the way, since you also show bit assignments, for each of those two trees there are 128 ways to assign codes to the symbols. You can make each branch individually 0 on the left and 1 on the right, or 1 on the left and 0 on the right. So there are actually 256 different ways to make valid Huffman codes for those frequencies.