I have a data frame in R with several columns. In one column, I want to use strsplit to extract part of the string and put it into another column. I have a data frame with a column called IDName, the IDName has strings in this format:
and I want to split the string and put ID in its own column and name in its own column
InputDF%>% mutate(ID=strsplit(IDName, "-"))-> OutputDF
this doesn't put ID in the ID column, but it is a list, how can I extract ID and Name using the above code?
I tried this:
InputDF%>% mutate(ID=strsplit(IDName, "-")[[0]])-> OutputDF
But I am getting errors.
What is the best way to do this?
We could use separate
function from tidyr
df %>%
separate(x, c("ID", "name"), sep = '-')
ID name
<chr> <chr>
1 1 John
2 2 Tom
df <- tribble(