I have a problem with converting an ellipse to a path in Microsoft Blend 2022. My first try was WPF App template and .NET 6.0 Framework, but options in Format > Path are disabled.
After some research I found this (link):
Convert to Path is not currently available for UWP apps that have a minimum TargetPlatformVersion of 10.0.16299.0 or later.
So I tried to use "old" "WPF App (.NET Framework)" template with 4.8 framework, but path related options are not available. I tried to switch Target Framework to 4.7.2 and 4.6.1, but it still doesnt work.
Do I have to install older .NET Framework, or Visual Studio / Microsoft Blend to do this? If so - which version should allow me to convert basic shapes (like ellipse, rectangle etc.) to motion path?
I "went back in time" to Visual Studio / Blend 2017.
It works with .NET Framework 4.8.
Project created from scratch in Blend 2017, copied MainWindow.xaml file:
Maybe someone tried this in 2019 version?